Please add the relevant information in the correct table below. Make sure you add your name to the correct section for your course. Once you have completed the Competency study guide, please add the link in the appropriate row.
Information Table
Competency Presentation Selection Table
Please select two competencies for which you will prepare a Competency Study Guide and type your name in the chart below. Once they are all full, you may select a topic that someone else has already selected.
Student Name
001: D, G, I |
Sarah Pettus
Chris Birch
001: J-M |
Michael Voth
D. Brook Park
002: A |
Crystal Lee
Sarah Pettus
002: B
Michael Rigal
Elvin Flores
002: C-E
Michael Rigal
Kevin Spurgin
003: A-D |
Elizabeth Everett
Chris Birch
004: A |
Amanda Sonnier
Jeannine Freeman
004: B
Amanda Sonnier
Jeannine Freeman
004: C-D |
Elizabeth Everett
Elvin Flores
004: F-G |
Crystal Lee
Nora Medrano
005: B (as related to presentations) |
Hillary Parrish
Christopher Aldrete
005: G-H |
Maria Ing
Keith Dauphiney
006: B, F (protocols) |
Michael Voth
D. Brook Park
007: A-E |
Coral Palmer
Nora Medrano
007: J-L |
Hillary Parrish
Kevin Spurgin
007: M-O |
Coral Palmer
Keith Dauphiney
008: A-I
Maria Ing
Nora Medrano
Christopher Aldrete
Sign up below for your Competency Presentation time and date.
Add your name for the Competency Study Guide Presentation Schedule here.
November 18, 2014
Time |
Name |
Competency |
6:30-6:45 |
Sarah Pettus |
001 DGI 002 A |
6:45-7:00 |
D. Brook Park |
001: J-M & 006: B, F (protocols) |
7:00-7:15 |
Keith Dauphiney |
005: G-H, 007: M-O |
7:15-7:30 |
Nora Medrano |
004: F-G, 007: A-E |
7:30-7:45 |
Chris Aldrete |
005: B , 008: A-E |
7:45-8:00 |
November 25, 2014
Time |
Name |
Competency |
6:30-6:45 |
Amanda Sonnier |
004 A&B |
6:45-7:00 |
Elizabeth Everett |
003 A-D, 004 C-D |
7:00-7:15 |
Kevin Spurgin |
002: C-E, 007: J-L |
7:15-7:30 |
Coral Palmer |
007:A-E, 007:M-O |
7:30-7:45 |
Jeannine Freeman |
004 A&B |
7:45-8:00 |
Elvin Flores |
002: B, 004: C-D |
December 2, 2014
Time |
Name |
Competency |
6:30-6:45 |
Hillary Parrish
007: J-L, 005: B
6:45-7:00 |
Michael Voth |
001: J-M, 006: B, F |
7:00-7:15 |
Chris Birch |
001: D, G, I, 003: A-D |
7:15-7:30 |
Crystal Lee |
002: A, 004: F-G
7:30-7:45 |
Maria Ing |
005: G-H , 008: A-I |
7:45-8:00 |
Michael Rigal
002: B, C-E |
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