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Spring 2013

Page history last edited by Conrado Gonzalez 11 years, 5 months ago

Back to Spring 2013 Portal Page Course Calendar Syllabus


Please add the relevant information in the correct table below. Make sure you add your name to the correct section for your course. Once you have completed the Competency study guide, please add the link in the appropriate row.


Information Table Section 60


EDTC 6343 Section 60      
E-mail Address
URL to YOUR course wiki page
Competency Presentation
Dr. Janice Butler
janice.butler@utb.edu http://butleratutb.pbworks.com Case Study
Diana Arcaute darcaute9@gmail.com EDTC 6343.60 Wiki Page 004: A-B
April Canales aprilrcanales@yahoo.com http://acanales.pbworks.com/w/page/62868271/EDTC%206343 001 D-E
Ana A. Cavazos ana.cavazos@hcisd.org http://techlibrarian.pbworks.com/w/page/62585764/EDTC%206343 004F
Christine Claudio christine.claudio@hcisd.org http://12claudio.pbworks.com/w/page/62651100/EDTC%206343 003:B
Conrado Gonzalez 
gonzaljevic@gmail.com, troperocosmico@gmail.com hhttp://conradgonzalezeportfolio.pbworks.com/w/page/62865906/EDTC%206343  006: C-D
Adam Hovde a_hovde@verizon.net Adam Hovde's EDTC 6343 Wiki Page 007: K-L
Brian Martinez briankmartinez@gmail.com

6343 Home Page

001: A-C
Cesar Mata
http://cesarjmata.pbworks.com/w/page/63054444/Courses%20Taken 002: C-D
Cora Mendez


001 L-M
Cristina Pintor
007: I
Albert Rodriguez
Betsy Vela betzvela@gmail.com 6343 PB Works Wiki
005: B, E


Information Table Section 61

E-mail Address
URL to YOUR course wiki page
Competency Presentation
Dr. Janice Butler janice.butler@utb.edu http://butleratutb.pbworks.com Case Study
Juan Betancourt
003: A, C-D
Jessica Burnias jessburnias@gmail.com http://jessica29.pbworks.com/w/page/62574393/EDTC%206343 006 E-G
Isabel Cabrera izzymadero@yahoo.com


Dara Cepeda darakeyla@gmail.com http://cepedadeportfolio.pbworks.com/w/page/63044489/EDTC%206343%20New 008: E-G
Heather Luna mrsluna24@aol.com


Edna Orozco


Competency 002-A
George Saenz
http://gsaenzeportfolio.pbworks.com/w/page/62748681/EDTC%206343 002: B
Georgina Salas georginasalas2@gmail.com
http://gsalas.pbworks.com/w/page/62851675/EDTC%206343 007: E
Lupita Sanchez gtsanchez22@gmail.com http://gtsanchezeportfolio.pbworks.com 006:C-D
Ernie Vela ernievela@gmail.com http://ernievela.pbworks.com/w/page/62869303/EDTC%206343 005: F-H
Gayle Curry Robinson  gayled.curry@yahoo.com  Gayle's 6343 Homepage 001:G-H 


Diigo Discussion Board Host Table

Please add your name and the section number of your class to the week in which you will be hosting the Discussion Board in Diigo as shown below:  


Jane Doe (61)

Once all weeks are full, you may add your name to a week in which someone else is hosting. When sharing weeks, each student will do their own discussion presentation.


Student Name and Section
4 Isabel Cabrera (61) / Edna Orozco (61)
Heather Luna (61)

Christine Claudio(60) 2-18/Gayle Curry Robinson(61)

Albert Rodriguez (60)2-25/ Juan Betancourt (61)
Brian Martinez (60)/Dara Cepeda (61)
Adam Hovde (60)/Cristina Pintor (60)
Ana A. Cavazos (60( (3-18-24)/Cora Mendez(60)
Jessica Burnias (61)/April Canales (60)
Diana Arcaute (60) / Ernie Vela (61)
13 Betsy Vela (60)/ Cesar Mata (60)
14 Georgina Salas(61)/George Saenz(61)
15 Lupita Sanchez (61)/ Conrado Gonzalez (60)


Competency Presentation Selection Table

Please select the competency for which you will prepare a Competency Study Guide and type your name and the course section beside the competency in the chart below. Once they are all full, you may select a topic that someone else has already selected.


Student Name
Student Name Competency
Student Name
001: A-C
Brian Martinez (60) 001: D-E
April Canales (60)
001: G-H
Gayle Curry Robinson 
001: L-M
Cora Mendez Z(60)
002: A
Edna Orozco (61)
002: B
George Saenz (61)
002: C-D
Cesar Mata (60)
003: B
Christine Claudio(60) 003: A, C-D
Juan Betancourt (61)
004: A-B
Diana Arcaute (60) 004: C-D
004: F
Ana A. Cavazos (60)

005: B, E

Betsy Vela (60) 005: F-H Ernie Vela (61) 006: E-G Jessica Burnias (61)
007: A-B

Heather Luna (61)
007: C-D
Isabel Cabrera (61) 007: E
Georgina Salas (61)
007: I
Cristina Pintor (60)
007: J
Albert Rodriguez (60) 007: K-L
Adam Hovde (60)
007: M, P
008: E-G
Dara Cepeda (61) 009: G-I
006: C-D Lupita Sanchez (61) 006: C-D  Conrado Gonzalez   


Competency Presentation Schedule Spring 2013. Sign up here for your Competency Presentation time and date.






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