
Week 13

Page history last edited by Janice Wilson Butler 12 years, 5 months ago

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Week 13

Session Plan and Activities

This week you will continue your preparation for the MTT Certification Exam and continuing with your work on your staff development plans. This will be considered a work week in which you will be expected to spend the time working on your staff development and you will be expected to post a short summary (approximately 150 words) of your work this week. You will also be expected to respond to your host in Diigo groups discussion area. This week you will be working on the following areas:

  • Hosted Discussion on Diigo groups 
  • Meet in Collaborate for Staff Development presentations
  • Work on Staff Development. Work Time - NOTE:  In order to get credit for your work, please include a brief (approximately 150 words) summary of your work in the area of the staff development. This summary should be posted on your wiki page.

Your reading this week includes the Diigo EDTC 6343 Group Discussion that you will be expected to respond to.  In addition, it will include any research that you need to do as you are conducting research on your staff development.


As mentioned above, please respond to the weekly posting by students in the class.  A shared activity will make it more powerful.  Also, if you don't respond, you will not get full points for discussion.

  • Collaborate Meeting
  • Discussion Response
  • Work Time - NOTE:  in order to get credit for your work, please include a brief (approximately 150 words) summary of your work in the area of staff development. This summary should be posted on your wiki page.

Points for the week will be allocated as follows:


Collaborate Meeting 20 points
Discussion Response 40 points
Work Time (summary on wiki page) 40 points
Total for week:
100 points







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