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Week 12

Page history last edited by Janice Wilson Butler 9 years, 11 months ago

Syllabus       Course Calendar     Fall 2014 Portal Page

Week 12 

Session Plan and Activities

This week you will be working on the following areas:

  • Flipped Classrooms and TEDEd project
  • Test Question Review
Readings - The Flipped Classroom

It is my hope that you have at least heard the phrase "flipped Classroom" and perhaps tried it or considered including it in your classroom.  The below infographic gives you an overview of what flipped classrooms are all about.


Flipped Classroom

Created by Knewton and Column Five Media


Now - this may be the next great educational fad that is abuzz for a while and then disappears. However, I think that it can be a very effective strategy to engage students and provide opportunities to expand learning.  For the next few weeks, I want you to investigate the flipped classroom and decide how you feel about it. If you are already flipping, then research new ideas about how you can flip more effectively.


Then, I want you to create  one flipped lesson on TEDEd.  More about that later. You don't have to write a formal paper, but explore and compile the information about flipped classrooms that makes sense for you. Provide a link to your information.

  • Beginning of research on flipped classrooms and work on TEDEd classroom projects
  • Although TEDed is not the only way to create a Flipped Classroom lesson, I believe it is a strong way to either get started with flipping and provides enough features that can make it a powerful resource for the veteran flipper.
  • Your assignment is to create a TEDEd lesson - due at end of week 15.





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