
Week 6

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Saved by Janice Wilson Butler
on August 19, 2014 at 7:55:03 pm

Syllabus       Course Calendar     Fall 2014 Portal Page

Week 6 

Session Plan and Activities

This week will continue with Study Guide Presentations.

  • If you have not presented, continue working on your study guide presentation. It is important that you be ready on the day you signed up for as we are on a very tight schedule before the MTT certification test.
  • Your grant application is due next week so be sure to work on completing the application.
  • Respond to hosted discussion on Diigo Groups
  • Meet in Collaborate  


Your reading this week includes the Diigo EDTC 6343 Group Discussion that you will be expected to respond to.  This resource is not only an open forum to discuss issues you will face in education as teachers and as MTTs, but also it is an important resource for sharing relevant links. This should be considered YOUR tool and as such will be as robust as  will provide resources for you as well. 


Readings will also include research you are conducting for your Study Guide presentation and the research you are conducting as you search for an appropriate grant source for funding.


Due this Week

You will be expected to complete the following this week:








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