
Week 2

Page history last edited by Janice Wilson Butler 10 years, 5 months ago

Syllabus       Course Calendar     Fall 2014 Portal Page

Week 2   

Session Plan and Activities

This week, we will also begin to get a a better understanding of the Case Study for the purposes of the certification exam as well as the undertaking of your role as an MTT.  We will also discuss the grant application you will be filling out and finally, you will finish your first case study. 


Again, we know how time flies, so without further ado, let us begin! 


If you are serious about finding funding resources, there are many pages that are available on the above pages if you follow the multiple links. 

Due this Week
  • Meet in Collaborate
  • Create and Post Concept Map for Case Study Requirements on your EDTC 6343 page
  • Post Grant Idea Summary - upload summary completed in Word, Google Docs (provide link and access), PPT, Prezi, SlideShare, or etc. Rubric for Grant Idea Summary can be found below.

Meet in Collaborate 

We will be meeting frequently in Collaborate. Check on your calendar for weeks we will be meeting and for general topics. It is important that you be on time for your synchronous sessions as we will be taking attendance for participation 10 minutes after the start of the period. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE, YOU NEED TO NOTIFY YOUR INSTRUCTOR!!!!!  The meeting days and times are available on the Information Page found as a link in the BlackBoard menu.

Create and Post Concept Map on Case Study

Make sure that you have your MTT Manual available as a reference and have read the requirements for the case study, pp. 57-60.  Create an post a summary of the requirements for the case study portion of the MTT exam using Text2Mindmap, Conceptboard, Mindmeister, Mind42, BubblUs or other mindmappping tool of your choice.  Use the MTT test prep guide for your mindmap. HINT: The more detailed that you make this mind map, the more you will understand the requirements.  Another HINT: Try using one of the tools that you are unfamiliar with so that you have one more tool in your arsenal. Many, if not all of them, are very easy to use.

Begin Grant Search and Application

For this module, you will also begin to look for technology funding opportunities and begin the process of applying for at least one grant. Grants for K-12 teachers are abundant. They are, however, looking for innovative ideas to be carried out in the K-12 classroom. Many areas are covered, but special interest in math, science and reading is evident in virtually all of the grants. While the activities do not have to have an emphasis in technology, I encourage you to look for grants having to do with technology (as this is a Master Technology Teacher practicum). Grants such as the Best Buy grant obviously must include technology integration.


Before you begin looking for grants, take a few minutes (or hours) to think of a project you would like to implement in the classroom, but simply do not have the funding or resources for implementation.  


Please check the Course Calendar for Due Dates on each component of the grant application project.


Grant Idea Summary

When you have your idea, summarize it and post it to your wiki page for EDTC 6343. Obviously the more  detail you have on your idea, the easier it will be both to fill out the application and to get the grant. 


You are not limited to looking for grants in the sites below. In fact, should you choose to be ambitious, you can always look at government grants that may be available.


The following web sites offer potential grant opportunities for K-12 teachers.



Grant Application Summary

Please provide a summary of your grant application in a Word (or other word processing document). This document should be uploaded to your wiki and linked to your assignment page.


The following components need to be included on your Grant Application Summary:

  • Funding source(s) web address(es) - is it Best Buy, another commercial organization, foundation, DOE, State of Texas, your school or district, etc.?
  • Eligibility (who can apply)
  • Deadline for submission
  • Method of submitting (online, email, etc.)
  • Requirements for proposal (you may include the actual application as you have begun to fill it out)
  • Your objective 
  • Number of students "affected"
  • Student demographics
  • Brief description of project to be funded can be idea summary
  • Timeline
  • Other information that will be pertinent to your success in getting the grant


Hint: The more information you provide in your proposal, the more help that I can give you in completing the application. 


The rubric for the Grant Application Summary can be found below.


Grant Application

Please note the following recommendations as you are preparing your grant application:

  • Those grant proposals which are most closely aligned to the grant providers goals are more likely to be funded.
  • Generally, in the Valley, schools meet multiple criteria. Indeed, most districts in the state of Texas qualify. When looking at a grant - look for priority goals and address those.
  • Ensuring sustainability increases your chances of getting the grant.
  • Remember, grant providers want to prove their funds were used wisely - so if you can provide that proof, your chances of getting the grant improve.
  • Link to your completed proposal - if you submitted it electronically, then you will need to make a screen shot of it to submit to me.  Jing would  come in handy here. 


Final hint:  The more detail you provide in this summary, the better. The more effectively you "paint" your needs, the more likely you are to get funding.  Competition for alternative funding sources is at a critical high and those who do well describing what they will do with the money are the ones who win. 


If the grant allows you to describe the project in 500 words, two sentences will not do.  In addition, you will be expected to write well, so if you are not good with grammar and spelling, have someone who is good at that give you feedback.


Rubric for Grant Idea Summary and Grant Application Summary

Congratulations! You have completed the requirements for Week 2 and are ready to move to Week 3 Activities.



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